Emergency Eye Care

Book Appointment

Often Preventable; Rarely Reversible

If you are experiencing an eye care emergency, please call one of our locations. Depending on the severity of the situation, we can offer you advice over the phone, try and fit you in for an emergency appointment, or advise you to seek medical attention at your nearest emergency room.

If our offices are closed, please proceed to your nearest drop-in clinic or emergency room.

What Is an Eye Emergency?

An eye emergency is any situation in which your vision or eye health could be compromised. Some examples of an eye emergency may include:

  • Ocular trauma (being poked, scratched, or hit in the eye)
  • Foreign object or chemical in the eye
  • Sudden vision loss
  • Sudden double vision
  • New flashing lights, floaters, or blind spots in your vision
  • Eye pain or excessive light sensitivity
  • Extreme watering or discharge
  • An eye that is bleeding or severely bruised
  • Severe allergic reaction

When in Doubt, Don’t Go Without

If you suspect you may have injured your eye or are experiencing any type of eye emergency, always err on the side of caution. It’s much better to go for an emergency appointment and find out nothing is seriously wrong than avoid seeking help and potentially compromise your vision or eye health.

Always be cautious when it comes to your eye health and vision. Visit us for timely care when you experience an eye emergency. 

Visit Our Locations


& Area

Find us at the corner of Langford Parkway and Jacklin Road. We’re across the parking lot from the White Spot.

  • 2968 Jacklin Rd
  • Langford, BC V9B 0A3

* Hours may change for holidays. Please refer to our google business page.


& Area

We’re located next to Thrifty Foods just off Beverly Street. If you have any trouble finding us, please give us a call.

  • 2755 Beverly Street, Unit 2
  • Duncan, BC V9L 6X2

* Hours may change for holidays. Please refer to our google business page.


& Area

We look forward to helping you achieve your vision goals at our Chemainus location. Find us just off of Maple Lane and Croft Street.

  • 9844 Croft Street, Unit 106
  • Chemainus, BC V0R 1K0

* Hours may change for holidays. Please refer to our google business page.

Cobble Hill

& Area

Our Cobble Hill location is just off Cowichan Bay Road on the upper level of Valleyview Centre. If you have any trouble finding us, please give us a call.

  • 1400 Cowichan Bay Rd, Unit 56
  • Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L3

* Hours may change for holidays. Please refer to our google business page.

Lake Cowichan

& Area

We are conveniently located in the plaza off of Stanley Road and Cowichan Lake Road. Find us across from Central Park.

  • 44 Stanley Road
  • Lake Cowichan, BC V0R 2G0

* Hours may change for holidays. Please refer to our google business page.

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